• Jim and Lynne I'm well aware that this is certainly not the only place that scammers could get personal info from. But it is also a place where we all talk about personal information, no fault of the webmaster of course.

  • I'm thinking seriously about dropping off the couple of chat boards that I have been on for the past several years. This past week I had a couple of emails that were upsetting, one that was obviously a scam because they wanted to be paid off in Bitcoin, and another regarding a supposedly closed bank account. I have had similar emails over the past 20 years or so, but both of these were pretty upsetting and even threatening. I'm going to try to cut back on using any of the chat boards and even the email since there seems to be no way to deal with this and local police don't seem to want to be bothered with it. So thanks for the interesting posts and the friendly ones, and I may be back again eventually.

  • Beth and Diane I order most of my groceries from Amazon or the local supermarkets also. Delivery services here are somewhat more expensive than going into the market and shopping the sales, but since Amazon has a big warehouse across the river from us, items are usually shipped promptly.
    The recent difficulties in finding specific grocery items remind me of my teen years during WWII, when my aunt had difficulties finding certain items and in balancing her grocery list with the coupons in our family ration books. Jack worked as a supermarket stock boy during summer vacations from high school and college during those years, and said many times that his manager would tell him to "open the case of Spam or what ever, then get out of the way as fast as you can" to avoid the oncoming rush of women shoppers.