• sorry for the run on and on as I never seem to shut up when I get started. HA HA

  • Happy Happy Happy day after Christmas.
    I realize that I am a member of this Chat and that I should write more often than once or year or so but by the time I have read the board I and get to answers to write I can't remember and anything I do remember seems so worthless. Let me do a brief run down on worthwhile happenings of the last 6 months of my life!
    In July a new clinic of doctors came to town with the most attention to Senior Citizens. I joined them as I was discouraged with my current doctot I only went once a year for an exam and prescriptions for high pressure. and they didn't seem really interested in seeing me anyway. I don't look sick or feel/act sick but I at least like to feel as if they are interested. Anyway I joined this new group and since July I have had more tests to see how my insides are working and met more doctors and nurses than I have in the last ten years. I must look as good as I feel (which is wonderful) because people are still floored that I am 78 as I am taken for10 to 20 years younger.
    I had been to doctor's office to fill out forms and sign papers for office to send to Insurance, they were having a small problem who did what and what was to be sent and how. I signed a paper giving the permission to act for me with insurance and went home. Got a call saying assistant had been on phone with insurance who told her that I did not need to sign the papers, just as she shedded the signed document the insurance person realized that was a mistake I not only needed to sign the paper but needed to verify that I understood and signed. If I would do this that same afternoon she would immediately fax. Assistant would be happy to run papers over to me so we could get it out of the way quickly but I refused and said I still had my keys in my hand I would be right over. Delivered the signature etc and left to return home as I crossed the parking lot at the rear of the building. My feet and the parking lot cement decided to join while my body kept going . My face/forehead meet with step-up that divides one row from another. My glasses slide down my nose and ended up with the nose piece lodge between two teeth. (makes yelling for help difficult) Couldn't get up as I had landed on my left knee hard enough that I couldn't bend it to get myself up and had nothing to hold on to to pull myself up or I would got up and taken my bloody face and knees on home. At that time it was one empty parking lot both of cars and people. That was one expensive afternoon as someone finally came by and helped me. I was taken by ambulance to hospital where the glasses were removed and x-rays and tests taken. No one thought to clean up my face until my daughter got there and she cleaned me up with wet paper towels. She told me never do that again as she woke up answered the phone to a voice saying. We have your mother in the hospital room, she's ok but she fell and hit her head. She said you would need to come get her as her cars is in the parking lot behind the doctors office. The funny thing is they told her I was ok and normal, NEVER was normal in my life. And that was the most exciting day in the last 6 months?
    Now you see why I come in and read this chat almost every day but I don't have anything but the weather to write about!
    Have a good day everyone see you later.

  • Hi, It has been so long since I logged in that I had to come up with a new pass word and remember how to do it.

    A very thankful and good Thanksgiving to everyone. I went to store other day to pickup any last minute items for the dinner. When getting everything out and organized this morning but couldn't find my cool whip/whipped cream. Finally ran to Walmart who knew would be open, closest and cheapest. picked up the
    cool whip and a few other items and rushed back home. When I opened the refrig. there sit two containers of cool whip, just where I had placed them the other day.

    Well it's 7:55 CST and I have finished the dinner dishes while my DGD straightened out the frig. to put the left overs in/will decide what to do and how long we will be eating them tomorrow when I feel more like organizing meals - my stomach is too full right now.
    This is one person who is going to watch Black Friday from my home and be happy there isn't anything that I need bad enough to go out there to get it.

    This old girl is going to close and get in pajamas and vegetate for the next three days.
    Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and stays well..

  • Hi All,
    Its 29 degrees here in Rockford, IL. Warmest it's been in a couple of weeks. It got down to -19 a couple of nights and when it eased up a little it started to snowing. It has been snowing a little so I guess they are truthful in saying 5 degrees tonight with wind chills in the -teens. Oh well, spring is just around the corner as I have received 4 gardening catalogs.

    Everyone try to stay well for the rest of the winter.

  • Hi Everyone
    It's me again, finally have something to write about. I saw that everyone was discussing our beautiful weather so I thought I would add my two cents. On January 5th it dropped down to -18 and I quite looking for the wind chill. On the 6th I had an early evening flight from Chicago-O'hara to Dallas-Fort Worth. I live in Rockford, IL roughly 90 miles North-West and take a bus in to O'hara. As they request you to be 2 hours early I planned at least 3 hours in case of accidents/weather. My plane at that time was listed as on time! Worst of the bus trip was going out the station door and across the ice unmelted on the sidewalk to the bus. Got to airport on time--a little early, showed them my boarding pass, did a compliementry quick luggage drop and stood in line for security. Let me tell you, everything out of your pockets I don't care what it is, be it kleenix, lip gloss, letters, if it is not part of the pocket it comes out. As I am now 76 I got to keep my shoes on and my light jacket(I dressed in layers because of difference in weather), but I did get patted down, guess the ex-ray isn't enough any more. After throwing away my water bottle I started the long long walk to terminal E and my gate. To wait and wait. There were delays, some told me they had been on lists since the day before. Thank the Lord I packed a lunch for a 2 hour flight, only had to buy a $3.00 bottle of water. The airline started canceling flights about 8 pm and offering refunds for those who wished to try another day. By this time I would have to wait for the early morning bus around 6 am to return home so I said we are only delayed and I have no where to go, I'll just wait as long as they don't cancel my flight. H--l I will have to wait til bus runs to go anywhere any way. So all evening I people watched and talked to people. My DD's tell me not to talk to strangers but I have not yet met a stranger. It seems the pumping equipment that pumps the fuel froze up, not with just my airline but most all of the airlines were having the same trouble. Felt sorry for the ground crews working on this little problem by this time it was down around -17. By the time they got enough fuel boarded they boarded us and we left about 2 hours after we should have been landing at DFW.
    I have rambled long enough, we will just call this journal chapter 1. I am generally a 1 a day book reader, it took me the full week to read 1.
    Take care and stay warm

  • Hi all you book reading snow birds.
    I guess it's about time to work my way to the bird feeders and fill them all up again. It's about time for the Cardinals to come back to our yard.
    I got up this morning and walked to the back door to look out to see if it snowed as predicted. Could barely get the door opened, thought it was frozen but there was snow all the way up to bottom of door and had to push it out of the way as the door swings out. Good way to keep people from breaking in the door but hard to get out when it snows like this.
    I was going to finish Christmas shopping but couldn't go out the last three days because of ice covering the roads. Now it's snow covering the ice. Well, as my daughter has to work this evening we will be out removing all from the drive and can only hope the road crews work the roads clear. If I can't get out shopping the next two days there will be a couple of people receiving cards with IOU's for there presents to come later. Oh, well, with every one having several places to be on Christmas and having to arrange where to go when, they should be use to the question of who gets me on Christmas and who opens which presents late. Just give me a couple of good books and a warm place to curl up and I will be very happy.
    Stay warm and happy, hope you don't get too much bad weather our snow seems about to stop hope this is all. Marefus

  • I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I was one of those who stayed home, just my DD and I. Started cooking yesterday the pies, pumpkin and mincemeat. I am the only one who will eat mincemeat but it will be gone within a few days, as I haven't had one in a few years. Had a leisurely cooking schedule, took all day but at my pace
    so no stress or rushing around. With just the two of us we washed pans as we emptied them and then worked together to put every thing away. Of course, I yelled as I washed the last dish, "I am not cooking tomorrow".I think we have left overs for the next week.
    If anyone feels the need to do Black Friday Shopping please be careful and safe.
    Till next time.

  • Good afternoon all,
    I have been so depressed for the last few days that I haven't been posting anything. Why depressed? Because of the grey, wet weather wouldn't let me go out to play.
    This morning the sun was shining and if you didn't look too close it was beautiful outside. Cold, 20 degrees at 11 am and only to reach 23 but beautiful!!! Down to 8 degrees tonight. You know, I was just thinking I lived just southwest of Tuscaloosa, AL until I was 8 years old and I only saw snow once and that was just a sprinkling. Then we moved to southeast Oklahoma where the snow got so deep it was above my knees. Of course my legs were short back then so the snow may not have been as deep as I believed. That leads me to my reason for being thankful today. My mind is still fairly clear and I can still remember way back when.......it's just when I go from one room to another that I ask....Now what am I here for. LOL
    If I get busy and don't get in here next week .... everyone stay well and have a good Thanksgiving Day. Don't go out and get trampled in the Black Friday rush, it's not worth it.

  • Good morning,
    It's dark and gloomy this morning and afternoon with light rain. It looks as if it will be like this all day nooooo sunshine today or possibly tomorrow but fairly warm then when it clears up turning cold.
    I read the board yesterday but never listed my blessing/things to be thankful for. I am thankful for good healthy children, now middle aged and also healthy grandchildren. I feel I live in a good place, not all sunshine and warm temps. but I have only seen 2 really really bad storms in my life. Where the snow was so deep they had to call in the national guard with their heavy equipment to clear the streets. was good thing it was over Christmas/New Years and didn't have to go to work and did not lose power. That was around 1978. Then we had a wind sheer one summer where trees went down all over and we were without power for over a week. But we were lucky to have gas cook stove and hot water heater so the only lose there was losing a freeze of food. and trees all over yard and street. None on the house.
    Have a good day and stay well.
    Love all

  • Good morning All,
    I did not make it in yesterday but I am thankful for a warm house and food to eat. So many people this year are having to go to soup kitchens and warming shelters.
    My good health is the reason I am thankful today, I am 76 years young and still can take care of myself, get out and about and think clearly most of the time.
    Have a nice though cold day all. At least the sun is shining.

  • Good afternoon everyone. As I stepped out to gather my trash cans from curb I remembered why I dislike winter. Baby Its cold outside and with snow on the ground not very pleasant to stay out side. The only big store - big enough to walk thru nearby is one of the smaller Walmarts and I always seem to spend instead of walking.
    I am thankful to have a roof over my head and food to eat. See too many homeless and hungry around now a days.
    Last time I spotted a deer by my house, she was headed downtown evidently to do some shopping down the middle of the street by my house. No one told her that the stores were closed.
    Have a good day all.

  • IT'S SNOWING, started about 1 to 1 1/2 hours ago and was water by the time it hit the ground. Now the vacant house next door's roof is covered enough to be white instead of black. Do you think it will melt and all warm up by tomorrow?????? PLEASE
    Well, we are 20 miles south of Wisconsin. Guess it's no surprise that we are getting snow in November. IT just doesn't please me.

  • Hi All,
    June,Dupo, you can tell that you are several hours south of me when you give your weather report. I believe it only got to the low 50's here today and we have had a coating of ice on any water setting outside. The leaves have been coming down like mad with whole trees becoming nude in a day. The leaves are covering my repaired and sealed driveway. At least they only cover and some stick. We got 1 cloudy and 2 sunny days (no rain, thank the Lord) so the asphalt sealant has been curing nice, while the leaves cover any mistakes.
    My third DD who moved last year from Florida to the Dallas TX area called earlier this week whining about how cold it was in Dallas. Told her to live with it that she was preaching to the choir as I lived further north than her and we already had heavy frost. I don't believe she was thinking clearly as she then invited me to visit in January when it will be really cold and as far as I'm concerned not good for sight seeing. Don't you think she could have offered to take me down to Brownsville and the Padre Island where I could have walked the beach and felt the warm Gulf breezes. Oh well, I do like to travel so I guess I will accept the invite.
    If I say this I will jinks me but I will be working in the yard tomorrow raking all the leaves blown in from the neighborhood.
    Enjoy your Sunday and Monday Holiday everyone.

  • Sorry to have been among the missing for so long but never seemed to have too much of interest to say, even though I read this chat every day.

    I'm trying to get cracks filled in my drive way for my insurance company but every time I think I'm done it starts raining and the sealant and patching runs. I just keep saying Lord please just give me a couple of days sunny and dry. It would have been nice to afford a company to do this but I am one of the old people on that fixed income. Don't see becoming rich anytime soon or even in this life time so I must keep on being independent and learning all household repairs.

    I would tell about all the good books I have read but I only read paperback romance and intrigue, Mostly Harlequin and cookbooks. I enjoy books that have action in them not just a lot of dull talk with dull people. Guess I never grew up from kids books where the story had to keep moving to keep kids attention. I was selling cookbooks on eBay and If I ever quite procrastinating I am going to start back. Either that or I will have to give all away to make room to live in my little house.

    Now that I have put everyone to sleep I can leave this monologue. I can leave you all and get outside to sweep the leaves off the drive and wait for warmth and sun to reseal it again.

    Everyone have a nice day and stay healthy.

  • I've been looking for you all for a couple of weeks now. Forgot how to enter to find your chat. Finally, and isn't this the usual, I was looking for something else in my old email and came across you. LOL
    Very interesting about everyones preference in bread, I generally just pick up generic white for sandwiches. Darn if I pay almost an hour's wage for a loaf of bread.
    I bagged up most of my cook books and fiction and gave to the GW and SA as I was running out of room. It was either get rid of the books or move to larger house.
    Well after reading all the bread comments and going to fix a sandwich. My favorite use to be thin sliced onion with mayo but my stomach no rejects too much onion so it will either be mayo or cinnamon butter.
    Have a good and thankful Thanksgiving all. BBL

  • Good morning/afternoon Everyone,

    Yes, Irene, I am also waiting to see what the insurance col. does. Sure takes a long time and I am not really expecting much to come of the claim. I have really lost my faith in insurance companies.

    I have been clearing out my bookcases and boxes. Taken 4 trunk loads to the GW so far. Mostly quick read paperback and hard cover cookbooks. Don't know how well they will sell for them but really there should be quite a few more people busy in their kitchens testing different recipes. Sure hated to part with them but i don't cook that much anymore and haven't had the urge to sell on ebay lately.

    Well I was sitting here writing out checks to mail so I better get back to it so they can be mailed out.

    Talk to you all later. Good luck to all.

  • Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes, turned 75 today and don't hear from very many people anymore. Maybe because I don't contact very many people.
    Haven't been on here in a while, had my house broken into and my laptop stolen among other things. Still waiting for insurance to answer me, it read that it will pay at replacement value soooo I am waiting to see and to buy another puter.
    Supper is calling so I will close.
    Everyone have a nice week even thou it is getting colder.